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Articles in Refereed Journals


“Who Benefits? Employer Subsidization of Reproductive Healthcare and Implications for Reproductive Justice,” Feminist Economics, forthcoming (with Annie McGrew). Link to article


“Mental Health of Transgender Youth Following Gender Identity Milestones by Level of Family Support,” JAMA Pediatrics, July 2024, E1-E9 (with Travis Campbell, Samuel Mann, and Nathaniel Tran).  Link to article. 


“Immigrant Women and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Intersectional Analysis of Frontline Occupational Crowding in the United States,” Forum for Social Economics, 53 (3), July 2024, 281-306 (with Sarah F. Small and Teresa Perry).  Link to article.


“Family Matters: Exposure to Gender-Affirming or Gender-Denying Practices Following Gender Identity Milestones,” AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 114, May 2024, 274-278 (with Travis Campbell, Samuel Mann, and Nathaniel Tran). Link to article.


“Looking Back: The Changing Landscape of Abortion Care in Louisiana,” American Journal of Public Health, 114(5), May 2024, 463–466 (with Mayra Pineda-Torres). Link to article.


“Long COVID Prevalence, Disability, and Accommodations: Analysis Across Demographic Groups,” Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, February 2024 (with Jennifer Cohen).  Link to article.


“An Intersectional Analysis of Long COVID Prevalence,” International Journal for Equity in Health, 22, December 2023 (with Jennifer Cohen). Link to article.


“The Gendered Effects of Investing in Physical and Social Infrastructure,” World Development, 171, November 2023, 106347 (with Sarah F. Small).  Link to article.


“Time Poverty: Conceptualization, Gender Differences, and Policy Implications,” Social Philosophy & Policy, 40 (1), Summer 2023, 79-102. Link to article.


“Integrating Gender into a Labor Economics Class,” Advances in Economics Education, 2 (1), June 2023, 26-44 (with Jacqueline Strenio). Link to article.


“Hormone Therapy, Suicidal Risk, and Transgender Youth in the United States,” AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 113, May 2023, 551-555 (with Samuel Mann, Travis Campbell, and Duc Hien Nguyen).  Link to article.


“Conversion Therapy, Suicidality, and Running Away: An Analysis of Transgender Youth in the U.S.,” Journal of Health Economics, 89 (2), May 2023, 102750 (with Travis Campbell). Link to article.

* ​Recipient of the American Economic Association's Committee on the Status of LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Economics Profession Award for Outstanding Research Paper in LGBTQ+ Economics (2024).


“Telework during the Pandemic: Patterns, Challenges, and Opportunities for People with Disabilities,” Disability and Health Journal, 16 (2), April 2023, 101406 (with Doug Kruse, Lisa Schur, Mason Ameri, and So Ri Park).  Link to article.


“Mining and Women’s Agency: Evidence on Acceptance of Domestic Violence and Shared Decision-Making in India,” World Development, 162, February 2023, 106135 (with Amanda Guimbeau, Nidhiya Menon, and James Ji).  Link to article.

​* Runner-up for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Research Prize (2024)


​​“Teaching Development Economics from a Gender Perspective,” Journal of Economic Education, 54 (1), January 2023, 60-75 (with Günseli Berik).  Link to article.


“Gender, Entrepreneurship, and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of GoFood Merchants in Indonesia,” Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 9 (3), September 2022, 222-245  (with Yasuyuki Sawada and Yesim Elhan-Kayalar). Link to article. 


“Health Insurance Coverage and Health Outcomes Among Transgender Adults in the United States,” Health Economics,  31 (6), June 2022, 973-992 (with Travis Campbell).  Link to article.


“Abortion during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Racial Disparities and Barriers to Care in the USA,” Sexuality Research and Social Policy,  19(2), June 2022, 541-548 (with Taida Wolfe).  Link to article.


“COVID-19 Disparities by Gender and Income: Evidence from the Philippines,” International Labour Review, 161 (1), March 2022, 107-123 (with Rouselle Lavado, Keiko Nowacka, David Raitzer, and Joseph Zveglich). Link to article.


Published in Spanish as “COVID-19 y Disparidades por Género y Renta: Evidencia de Filipinas,” Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 141 (1), March 2022, 121-139 (with Rouselle Lavado, Keiko Nowacka, David Raitzer, and Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


Published in French as “L’effet du COVID-19 Selon le Sexe et le Revenu: L’exemple des Philippines, Revue Internationale du Travail, 161 (1), March 2022, 119-137 (with Rouselle Lavado, Keiko Nowacka, David Raitzer, and Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“Disability and Remote Work During the Pandemic with Implications for Cancer Survivors,” Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 16, February 2022, 183-199 (with Lisa Schur, So Ri Park, and Douglas Kruse).  Link to article.


“History and Scientific Background on the Economics of Abortion,” PLoS ONE, 16 (9), September 2021, e0257360 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Cheri Poss, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“Gender Differences in Access to Healthcare among the Elderly: Evidence from Southeast Asia,” Asian Development Review, 38 (2), September 2021, 59-92 (with Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“The Microeconomics of Abortion: A Scoping Review and Analysis of the Economic Consequences for Abortion Care-Seekers,” PLoS ONE, 16 (6), June 2021, e0252005 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Cheri Poss, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“The Macroeconomics of Abortion: A Scoping Review and Analysis of the Costs and Outcomes,” PLoS ONE, 16 (5), May 2021, e0250692 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Cheri Poss, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“The Feminist Political Economy of Covid-19: Capitalism, Women, and Work,” Global Public Health, 16 (8-9), April 2021, 1381-1395 (with Jennifer Cohen).  Link to article.


“Critiques, Ethics, Prestige and Status: A Survey of Editors in Economics,” Eastern Economic Journal, 47 (2), March 2021, 295-318 (with Ann Mari May, Mary McGarvey, and Mark Killingsworth).  Link to article.


“Feminist Economic Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Feminist Economics, 27 (1/2), January/April 2021, 1-29 (with Naila Kabeer and Shahra Razavi).  Link to article.


“The Economics of Abortion and its Links with Stigma: A Secondary Analysis from a Scoping Review on the Economics of Abortion,” PLoS ONE, 16 (2), February 2021, e0246238 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Cheri Poss, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“Contributing Factors to Personal Protective Equipment Shortages during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Preventive  Medicine,  141 (2020), December 2020, 1-7 (with Jennifer Cohen).  Link to article.


“The Mesoeconomics of Abortion: A Scoping Review and Analysis of the Economic Effects of Abortion on Health Systems,” PLoS ONE, 15 (11), November 2020, e0237227 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Cheri Poss, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“A Feminist Perspective on COVID-19 and the Value of Care Work Globally,” Gender, Work & Organization, 27 (5), September 2020, 695-699 (with Kate Bahn and Jennifer Cohen).  Link to article.


“Experimental Approaches in Development and Poverty Alleviation,” World Development, 127 (3), March 2020, 1-6 (with Anthony Bebbington, Catherine Boone, Jampel Dell’Angelo, Jean-Philippe Platteau, and Arun Agrawal).  Link to article.


“The Intersections of Women’s Economic and Reproductive Empowerment,” Feminist Economics, 26 (1), January 2020, 1-22 (with Sarah Gammage and Shareen Joshi).​  Link to article.


“Expected Work Experience and the Gender Wage Gap: A New Human Capital Measure,” Economic Modelling, 83 (2019), December 2019, 372-383 (with Joseph Zveglich and Editha Laviña).  Link to article.


“Social Disadvantage and Children’s Nutritional Status in Rural-Urban Migrant Households,” Journal of Contemporary China, 28 (120), November 2019, 899-915 (with Carl Lin).  Link to article.


“Economics of Abortion: A Scoping Review Protocol,” BMJ Open, 9 (7), July 2019, e029939 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, and Brittany Moore).  Link to article.


“The Relationship Between LGBT Inclusion and Economic Development: Macro-Level Evidence,” World Development 120 (8), August 2019, 1-14  (with Lee Badgett and Kees Waaldijk).​  Link to article.


“Parental Migration Decisions and Child Health Outcomes: Evidence from China,” Research in Labor Economics 47, 2019, 281-310 (with Carl Lin).​  Link to article.


“Child Labor and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from India,” Journal of Comparative Economics 46 (2), June 2018, 480-494 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“Women’s Asset Ownership and Children’s Nutritional Status: Evidence from Papua New Guinea,” Social Science & Medicine 204, May 2018, 100-107 (with Alice Louise Kassens).  Link to article.


“Land Reform and Welfare in Vietnam: Why Gender of the Land-Rights Holder Matters,” Journal of International Development 29 (4), May 2017, 454-472 (with Nidhiya Menon and Alexis Kennedy).  Link to article.


“The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Male and Female Employment and Earnings in India,” Asian Development Review 34 (1), March 2017, 28-64 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“Voice and Agency: Where Are We Now?” Feminist Economics 22 (1), January 2016, 1-29 (with Sarah Gammage and Naila Kabeer).  Link to article.


“War and Women’s Work: Evidence from the Conflict in Nepal,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (1), February 2015, 51-73 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“Women’s Land Rights and Children’s Human Capital in Vietnam,” World Development 54 (2), February 2014, 18-31 (with Nidhiya Menon and Huong Nguyen).  Link to article.


“Labor Regulation and Job Quality: Evidence from India,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 66 (4), July 2013, 933-957 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“Impact of the 2008-2009 Twin Economic Crises on the Philippine Labor Market,” World Development 40 (11), November 2012, 2318-2328 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“What's Macroeconomic Policy Got To Do with Gender Inequality? Evidence from Asia,” Global Social Policy 12 (2), August 2012, 183-189 (with Günseli Berik).  Link to article.


“How Access to Credit Affects Self-Employment: Differences by Gender during India’s Rural Banking Reform,” Journal of Development Studies 47 (1), January 2011, 48-69 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article.


“Options for Enforcing Labor Standards: Lessons from Bangladesh and Cambodia,” Journal of International Development 22 (1), January 2010, 56-85 (with Günseli Berik).  Link to article.


“Bangladesh’s Ready-Made Garments Sector: Exports, Employment, and Working Conditions,” Journal of Bangladesh Studies 11 (2), 2009, 1-19 (with Günseli Berik).  Link to article. 


“The Health Status of Cambodia’s Elderly in a Context of Gendered Violence,” Gender and Development 17 (3), November 2009, 453-465.  Link to article.


Reprinted as “The Health Status of Cambodia’s Elderly in a Context of Gendered Violence,” in Sarah Harper (ed.), Critical Readings on Ageing in Southeast Asia.  Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill Publishers, 2016.


“Feminist Economics of Inequality, Development, and Growth,” Feminist Economics 15 (3), July 2009, 1-33 (with Günseli Berik and Stephanie Seguino).  Link to article.


“Mother’s Education and Children’s Nutritional Status: New Evidence from Cambodia,” Asian Development Review 26 (1), June 2009, 131-165 (with Jane Miller).  Link to article.


“International Trade and the Gender Wage Gap: New Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector,” World Development 37 (5), May 2009, 965-981 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to article. 


“Economic Importance and Statistical Significance: Guidelines for Communicating Empirical Research,” Feminist Economics 14 (2), April 2008, 117-149 (with Jane Miller).  Link to article.


“Cross-State Variation in Economics Content Standards in the Primary Grades,” Social Education 72 (2), March 2008, 88-94 (with Shelby Hawthorne and Ronald Wheeler).  Link to article.


“Local Government Coordination of Community Food Systems in Distressed Urban Areas,” Journal of Poverty 11 (4), 2007, 45-69 (with Dona Schneider and Joseph Miles Cheang).  Link to article.


“Teaching Economics Through Children’s Literature in the Primary Grades,” The Reading Teacher 61 (1), September 2007, 46-55 (with Shelby Hawthorne and Ronald Wheeler).  Link to article.


“Food Assistance Through the School System: Evaluation of the Food for Kids Program,” Journal of Children and Poverty 13 (1), 2007, 75-95 (with Marika Milewska).  Link to article. 


“Gender Differences in Vocational School Training and Earnings Premiums in Taiwan,” Feminist Economics 12 (4), October 2006, 527-560 (with Joseph Zveglich and Laura Wherry).  Link to article.


“Gender and Racial Differences in Vocational Education: An International Perspective,” International Journal of Manpower 27 (4), July 2006, 308-320 (with Teresa Boyer).  Link to article.


“Asia’s Race to Capture Post-MFA Markets: A Snapshot of Labor Standards, Compliance, and Impacts on Competitiveness,” Asian Development Review 23 (1), 2006, 55-86 (with Günseli Berik). Link to article.


“Work Styles, Attitudes, and Productivity of Scientists in the Netherlands and United Kingdom: A Comparison by Gender,” Management Revue 17 (2), 2006, 184-202 (with Dara Woerdeman).  Link to article.


“Gender Dimensions in the Analysis of Macro-Poverty Linkages,” Development Policy Review 23 (3), May 2005, 333-349 (with Marzia Fontana).  Link to article.


“The Pitfalls of Using a Child Support Schedule Based on Outdated Data,” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 16 (2), 2004, 23-39 (with William Rodgers). Link to article.


“International Trade and Gender Wage Discrimination: Evidence from East Asia,” Review of Development Economics 8 (2), May 2004, 237-254 (with Günseli Berik and Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap in a Dynamic East Asian Economy,” Southern Economic Journal 70 (4), April 2004, 850-875 (with Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“The Impact of Protective Measures for Female Workers,” Journal of Labor Economics 21 (3), July 2003, 533-555 (with Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“Labor Market Legislation That Protects Women: Creating Opportunities or Obstacles?” Women’s Policy Journal of Harvard 1, Summer 2001, 38-47 (with Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Bargaining,” Economics Letters 69 (1), October 2000, 45-54 (with Lisa Anderson and Roger Rodriguez).  Link to article.


“Labor Market Flexibility in East Asia: Lessons from Taiwan,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 48 (1), October 1999, 51-69 (with Sita Nataraj).  Link to article.


“Outstanding Female Economists in the Analysis and Practice of Development Economics,” World Development 27 (8), August 1999, 1397-1411 (with Jane Cooley).  Link to article.


“Protecting Female Workers in Industrializing Countries,” International Review of Comparative Public Policy, Volume 10, 1998, 197-221 (with Sita Nataraj and Joseph Zveglich).  Link to article.


“A Reversal of Fortune for Korean Women: Explaining the 1983 Upward Turn in Relative Earnings,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 46 (4), July 1998, 727-748.  Link to article.


“Empirical Investigation of One OPEC Country's Successful Non-Oil Export Performance,” Journal of Development Economics 55 (2), April 1998, 399-420.  Link to article.


“The Persistence of Gender Earnings Inequality in Taiwan, 1978-1992,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 50 (4), July 1997, 594-609 (with Joseph Zveglich and William Rodgers).  Link to article.


“Michael Roemer: An Appreciation,” World Development 25 (5), May 1997, 727-731 (with Joseph Zveglich, Mary Kay Gugerty, Natalie Pickering, and Jeffrey D. Lewis).  Link to article.


“Internet and Case Study Resources on Asian Economic Issues,” Education About Asia 1 (2), Fall 1996, 40-43.  Link to article.


“The Prevalence of Gender Topics in U.S. Economics Journals,” Feminist Economics 2 (2), Summer 1996, 129-135.  Link to article.


“A Role-Playing Exercise for Development and International Economics Courses,” Journal of Economic Education 27 (3), Summer 1996, 217-223.  Link to article.


“Indonesia's Macroeconomic and Trade Performance,” Journal of Developing Areas 30 (2), January 1996, 149-166.  Link to article.


“Estimation of the Impact of Devaluation on Indonesian Aggregate Trade Performance,” Journal of Economic Integration 10 (4), December 1995, 475-491.  Link to article.


“An Economic Analysis of Debt Swaps and Case Study of the Harvard Debt for Education Swap,” World Development 21 (5), May 1993, 861-867.  Link to article.


Chapters in Edited Volumes


“The Agricultural Sector and Women’s Work in Asia,” in Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp (eds.), Spatial Spillovers: Viewpoints from Asia. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, forthcoming (with Nafisa Tanjeem and Nidhiya Menon). Link to chapter.


“COVID-19 and Employment Losses for Workers with Disabilities: An Intersectional Approach,” in Joy Beatty, Sophie Hennekam, and Mukta Kulkarni (eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management.  Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023, pp. 83-104 (with Douglas Kruse and Lisa Schur).  Link to chapter.


“The Future of Work for Domestic Workers in the United States: Innovations in Technology, Organizing, and Laws,” in Tobias Schulze-Cleven and Todd Vachon (eds.), Revaluing Work(ers): Toward a Democratic and Sustainable Future, LERA Research Volume. Champaign, IL: Labor and Employment Relations Association, 2021, pp. 201-219 (with Elaine Zundl).  Link to chapter.


“Spatial Spillover Effects: Domestic Violence in Nepal,” in Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp (eds.), Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021, pp. 169-185 (with Alice Louise Kassens).  Link to chapter.


“International Trade and Women Workers in the Global South,” in Günseli Berik and Ebru Kongar (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Feminist Economics. New York and London: Routledge Press, 2021, pp. 207-215 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to chapter.


“The Roles of Women,” in Kate Palmer Kaup (ed.), Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific, 2nd Edition. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2021 , pp. 353-384 (with Nafisa Tanjeem).  Link to chapter.


“Health and Distance to Healthcare in Papua New Guinea,” in Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp (eds.), Disease, Human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019, pp. 203-229 (with Alice Louise Kassens).  Link to chapter.


“Women’s Labor Market Status and Economic Development,” in Susan Averett, Laura Argys and Saul Hoffman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 699-730 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to chapter.


“Gender and Macroeconomics,” in Deborah Poff and Alex Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017, pp. 1-7 (with Günseli Berik). DOI:  Link to chapter.


Published in print as “Gender and Macroeconomics,” in Deborah Poff and Alex Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023, pp. 939-945.


“Gender and Graduate Education in the United States: Women’s Advancement in STEM Fields,” in Debotri Dhar (ed.), Education and Gender. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2014, pp. 67-94 (with Ann Mari May).  Link to chapter.


“Inclusive Growth and Gender Inequality in Asia's Labor Markets,” in Ravi Kanbur, Changyong Rhee, and Juzhong Zhuang (eds.), Inequality in Asia and the Pacific: Trends, Drivers, and Policy Implications. Manila, London, and New York: Asian Development Bank and Routledge Press, 2014, pp. 103-133 (with Joseph Zveglich).  Link to chapter.


“Credit and Self-Employment,” in Deborah M. Figart and Tonia Warnecke (eds.), Handbook of Research on Gender and Economic Life. Northampton, MA, and London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013, pp. 359-377 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to chapter.


“Feminist Economics of Inequality, Development, and Growth,” in Günseli Berik, Yana Rodgers, and Stephanie Seguino (eds.), Inequality, Development, and Growth. New York and London: Routledge Press, 2011, pp. 1-33 (with Günseli Berik and Stephanie Seguino).  Link to chapter.


“Gender Inequality in the Labor Market During Economic Transition: Changes in India’s Manufacturing Sector,” in Ravi Kanbur and Jan Svejnar (eds.), Labor Markets and Economic Development. London and New York: Routledge Press, 2009, pp. 341-363 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to chapter.


“Engendering Development Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies: What’s Sound and Sensible?” in Günseli Berik, Yana Rodgers, and Ann Zammit (eds.), Social Justice and Gender Equality: Rethinking Development Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies. New York and London: Routledge Press, 2009, pp. 1-43 (with Günseli Berik).  Link to chapter. 


Reprinted in Lourdes Benería, Ann Mari May, and Diana Strassmann (eds.), Feminist Economics.  Northampton, MA, and London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 272-316.


“Trade Policy Liberalization and Gender Equality in the Labor Market: New Evidence for India,” Rutgers University World Affairs Review, Fall 2008, Issue 3, pp. 1-25 (with Nidhiya Menon). Link to chapter.


“Women and Development,” in Kate Palmer Kaup (ed.), Understanding  Contemporary Asia Pacific. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007, pp. 321-352.  Link to chapter.


“A Primer on Wage Gap Decompositions in the Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination,” in William Rodgers (ed.), Handbook on the Economics of Discrimination. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006, pp. 11-28. [Volume chosen by CHOICE, the review journal of the American Library Association, as an “Outstanding Academic Book” for 2006.] Link to chapter.


“A Content Analysis of Sex Bias in International News Magazines,” in Diane Hope (ed.), Visual Communication: Perception, Rhetoric, and Technology. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, with the Rochester Institute of Technology Cary Graphic Art Press, 2006, pp. 139-156 (with JingYing Zhang). [Volume chosen by the National Communication Association as the “NCA Visual Communication Division Research Excellence Award” for 2007.]  Link to chapter.


“Labor Laws in Asia,” in Sanchita Saxena and Franck Wiebe (eds.), The Phase-Out of the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Policy Options and Opportunities for Asia. San Francisco, CA: The Asia Foundation, 2005, pp. 37-49.  Link to chapter.


"Does Trade Promote Gender Wage Equity? Evidence from East Asia," in William Milberg (ed.), Labor and the Globalization of Production: Causes and Consequences of Industrial Upgrading. Houndsmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 146-178 (with Günseli Berik and Joseph Zveglich).  Link to chapter.


“Gender Dimensions of Sustainable Development,” in Social and Cultural Development of Human Resources, [Ed. Tomoko Hamada], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO. Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers, 2004, pp. 1-37 (with Jennifer Mellor).  Link to chapter.


Other Scholarly Publications and Reports


“Introduction: The Changed Landscape of Abortion Access,” Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Newsletter, September 2023, p. 3. Link to newsletter.


“The Economics of Abortion: Costs, Impacts, Values, Benefits, and Stigma,” Report, Ipas, November 2022 (with Ernestina Coast, Samantha Lattof, Brittany Moore, Cheri Poss, and Joe Strong).  Link to report.


“COVID-19 and Changes in the Gendered Division of Unpaid Labor, Job Productivity, and Job Satisfaction,” Rutgers University Center for Women and Work Working Paper, 2021 (with Durante, Kristina, Lisa Kaplowitz, Elaine Zundl, and Sevincgul Ulu).  Link to paper.


“Migrant Women and Remittances: Exploring the Data from Selected Countries,” UN Women Policy Brief, 2020 (with Mehtabul Azam, Michael Stewart-Evans, and Inkeri von Hase).  Link to policy brief.


“The Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Causes, Costs and Solutions,” UN Women Policy Brief No. 11, 2019 (with Haroon Akram-Lodhi).  Link to policy brief.


“The Cost of the Gender Gap in Agriculture: Factors in Closing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity in Five African Countries,” UN Women Nairobi Regional Policy Brief, 2019 (with Haroon Akram-Lodhi).  Link to policy brief.


“The Future of Work in New Jersey: Care Workers and the Gig Economy,” Report, New Jersey Future of Work Task Force, January 2019 (with Elaine Zundl).  Link to report.


“Domestic Worker Inequities and Rights: A Mixed-Methods Analysis,” Rutgers University Center for Women and Work Working Paper #2018-1, November 2018 (with Elaine Zundl).  Link to paper.


“The Cost of the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity: Five African Countries,” UN Women Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESARO) and the United Nations Development Programme–United Nations Environment Programme PovertyEnvironment Initiative (UNDP–UN Environment PEI) Africa, Report, 2018.  Link to report.


“Gendered Labor Access and Opportunities in the Rural Landscape and in Agricultural Markets,” Background Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, October 2016 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to paper.


“Gender Earnings Gaps in Asia: Recent Trends and Explanations,” Background Paper, Asian Development Bank, September 2015 (with Nidhiya Menon, Joseph Zveglich, and Marife Bacate).  Link to paper.


“Gender Differences in Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from the 2012 Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey,” Background Paper, UN Women, August 2015.  Link to paper.


“Promoting Evidence-Based Policy Making for Gender Equity in Papua New Guinea,” Report, Asian Development Bank, November 2014 (with Alice Louise Kassens).  Link to report.


“The Relationship Between LGBT Inclusion and Economic Development: An Analysis of Emerging Economies,” Report, USAID and The Williams Institute, October 2014 (with Lee Badgett, Sheila Nezhad, and Kees Waaldijk).  Link to report.


 “A Meta-Analysis of Land Rights and Women’s Economic Well-Being,” Report, United Nations Foundation, November 2012 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to report.


“Reducing Health-Related Inequities: Lessons from Program Interventions in Asia and the Pacific,” Report, United Nations Development Programme, Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, August 2011.  Link to report.


“Gender Differences in Socioeconomic Status and Health: Evidence from the 2008 Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey,” Report, World Bank, Vietnam Office, November 2010 (with Nidhiya Menon).  Link to report.


“The Price of Export Success in Bangladesh’s Garment Sector,” The Daily Star, May 2010 (with Günseli Berik). Link to article.


“An Investment that Pays Off: Promoting Gender Equality as a Means to Finance Development,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Occasional Paper, May 2010 (with Stephanie Seguino and Günseli Berik).  Link to paper.


“Globalization, Labour Markets, and Gender Inequity: Cambodia Study,” UNDP Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, Final Report Submitted to United Nations Office for Project Services, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2006, pp. 1-37.  Link to report.


“Economic Literacy Among Primary-Grade Students,” Social Science Research Network Working Paper, September 2003 (with Shelby Hawthorne and Ronald Wheeler). Link to paper.


“The Employer Size Effect on Wages and Tenure in Korea: Implications for Expanding and Redesigning the Unemployment Insurance System,” Korea Labor Institute Working Paper, August 2000, pp. 1-38 (with Zafiris Tzannatos, Joseph Zveglich, and Ryan Mutter).  Link to paper.


“Protecting Women and Promoting Equality in the Labor Market: Theory and Evidence,” World Bank Policy Research Report on Gender and Development, Working Paper Series, No. 6, November 1999, pp. 1-41.  Link to paper.


“Women's Contribution to Development Economics,” Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Newsletter, May 1997, pp. 18-24.  


“Teaching Idea Highlights and an Application,” The ASIANetwork Exchange 2(2), October 1994, pp. 5-8.


“Indonesia's Policy Reform: An Overview,” Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Southeast Asia Economy Series No. 9402, October 1994, pp. 1-28.  Link to report.


“A Research Guide on the Indonesian Economy,” Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Southeast Asia Economy Series No. 9401, July 1994, pp. 1-23.  Link to report.


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